Connectivity of forest and riparian
ecosystems of the SUDOE
Competitive bidding for the evaluation of the CERES project
Analyzing the maturity of forests in Castilla y León...
The video shootings continue on the project territories
Actions in the Castilla y León pilote site for the brown bear (Spain, Castilla y León)
Actions in the « Pic Saint-Loup » experimental site (France, Occitanie-34)
Maintain and restore the quality of riparian ecological infrastructures to safeguard biodiversity
How progress the implementation of demonstration pilot actions
How progress the implementation of demonstration pilot actions
How progress the implementation of demonstration pilot actions
How progress the implementation of the common tool in the regions
Influence of forest and riparian connectivity on biodiversity in the Mediterranean region
The CRPF Occitanie has started operations on the Aveyronnais pilot site...
Alternative experiments on mediterranean coppices in Hérault (France)
We prepare the field management action in New Aquitaine, Cherves-Richemont (south France)
In south France: A successfull bat sampling in the National Park of Cevennes by Dynafor
Field work in the Mediterranean region (Portugal) is concluded!
The CERES project in the 15th European Ecological Federation congress
OLD GROWTH FORESTS. Shelters of biodiversity
International Society for River Science Congress in Vienna (09/2019)
Management actions are being prepared in Catalonia.