Connectivity of forest and riparian
ecosystems of the SUDOE
Once this characterization work was completed, the partners implemented management actions in the field aimed at preserving, improving or restoring the quality and ecological connectivity on sites with high stakes in terms of biodiversity
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For each action implemented, a technical report and a triptych were published for the attention of local actors
All the information collected previously, all the results of previous work, both methodological and scientific and technical, were used to propose a corpus of recommendations for managers of natural environments.
This work took the form of a manual of recommendations of natural environnements management addressed to the various actors involved in the management of forest and riparian ecosystems: forest owners, managers of natural areas, administrations with responsibilities in the planning and management of forests and biodiversity, research centers, naturalist associations....
Technical sheets have also been produced and complete this manual by presenting a series of case studies aimed at improving the quality of natural areas and ecological corridors.
In order to spread the results of the works carried out into the project, the field actions realized has been used by various partners to organize exchanges days adressed to technicians and general public.
« Biodiversité et gestion forestière : des synergies à mobiliser, des pratiques en évolution »
Estudio de conectividad del proyecto CERES y su integración en el proyecto SUPERB
Jornada divulgativa de presentación de las actuaciones realizadas para mejorar la conectividad del oso pardo
« Comment concilier enjeux économiques et environnementaux en forêt privée ? »
Visita técnica con estudiantes de 4° curso del grado de biología de la Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya
Monte de Sant Miquel (Catalunya)
Visita técnica con gestores forestales y del parque natural de les Capçeleres del Ter i del Freser
Monte de Sant Miquel (Catalunya)
Présentation des expérimentation de modalités alternatives de coupes en taillis méditerranéen en faveur de la biodiversité et de la connectivité
Forêt domaniale du Pic-Saint-Loup (Hérault)
Expérimentation de modalités alternatives de coupes en taillis méditerranéen en faveur de la biodiversité et de la connectivité
Forêt domaniale du Pic-Saint-Loup (Hérault)
Several other deliverables have been produced and all the video of the project are on youtube
Scientific papers and publications